22 March 2011


woke up today and it was raining. storm, thunder, not sure whether there was any lightning but this is wierd for my country. Thailand, humid, hot and super sunny. last week it was terribly cold, then i heard there was gona be some sort of 'snow' huh? i was worried NOT happy while most people i saw on twitter, bbm, facebook were thrilled at the thought of snow in thailand. yes social networking. you have every right to be excited but im not. the day it got really cold, my teeth were shattering, it was not pleasant! it was too freaking cold and i thought of the less fortunate people who were needy of things to keep them warm. i had all things to keep me warm, somehow the cold penetrated through my clothes and i knew even a thick sweater couldnt help all the way. all the poor farmers and workers...i feel sorry for them :( think about how they would be having so much trouble to adapt...before they were in their fields growing crops, making a living. now they cant set foot outside. and all the pretty girls will be wearig boots winter clothes and even winter make up while some people freeze top death...yes very nice. So no snow please! If their was snow this would impact the whole agriculture business of thailand massively in a way no one can explain..right? and i doubt the snow topic anyways. to my expectation, there was no snow! 2 days later, from cold and breezy weather here comes the sun and super hot weather...again! now its raining...hmm. climate change is scary you know...so in the future, in 30 years time snow maybe in thailand? 

since im taking 2 subjects for my summer classes im going to the tutor center today. basic maths. one on one tutoring baby. on my highest hope that i will pass this time! been studying basic maths for many many semesters now. i never tried, i can tell you this. i want to push myself this time and pass! :) wish me luck yes?

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